Trump Fires Watchdog Who Handled Ukraine Complaint
Michael Atkinson was the first to inform Congress about an anonymous whistleblower complaint last year that described Trump's pressure on Ukraine to investigate Democrat Joe Biden and his son.
Michael Atkinson was the first to inform Congress about an anonymous whistleblower complaint last year that described Trump's pressure on Ukraine to investigate Democrat Joe Biden and his son.
WASHINGTON (AP)— After months of telling people that wearing face masks didn't matter, Trump now admits it is recommended.
“For you to get on the bus ... and cough several times without covering up your mouth and you know (we're) in the middle of a pandemic — that lets me know that some folks don't care,” bus driver Jason Hargrove said in a passionate video.
The FDA's previous rules barred donations from men who have had sex with a man in the previous year.
The latest report from the Labor Department released Thursday shows the figure for last week is much higher than the previous record of 3.3 million reported for the previous week.
White sheets are being hung in apartment windows to show solidarity with the #CancelRent movement that is gaining steam on Twitter, Instagram and other social media sites.
Politicians wear protective gear in Belgium. Canadians leave notes at their windows. Volunteers in Spain sew masks for nurses and doctors. Citizens disinfect streets and cars in India and Afghanistan. Pope Francis prays solo to an empty Piazza San Pietro.
As many as 900,000 coronavirus patients in the U.S. could need ventilators. Yet one group estimates the country has only 200,000, many of which already are being used by other patients.
The outbreak could kill 200,000 Americans, the U.S. government's top infectious-disease expert warned. Yet, Trump's continues to minimize its impact.
Sunday's announcement was a tacit acknowledgment the president had been too optimistic just days earlier when he said he hoped reopen the economy by Easter on April 12.