These 5 Wisconsin students will be marching in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade
Five marching band students will represent Wisconsin in the 2024 Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade!
Five marching band students will represent Wisconsin in the 2024 Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade!
After more than 157 years, Leinenkugel's beer will no longer be brewed in Chippewa Falls.
In the Lincoln School District - which is Alma Center-Humbird-Merrillan, voters saw a little something different on the ballot this week. It was a question that asked to borrow about $2.9 million dollars to add a childcare center onto the elementary school in Merrillan. It passed, with 57% voting in favor of the project.
After learning that businesses in Jackson County were losing $2.5 million a year due to a lack of local childcare, a group of employers came together to create solutions for families in their area.
Republican vice presidential candidate JD Vance says a Trump administration would “defund” the non-profit organization that helped this Wisconsin mom have a healthy baby.
The lack of childcare in Wisconsin’s rural areas is keeping people out of the workforce, or is forcing them to work part-time, according to an early childhood survey. In addition to hurting families, the situation is making it harder for employers to find workers, too.
Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin (PPWI) is asking the Wisconsin Supreme Court to interpret the state constitution as it relates to making decisions about whether and when to have a child, including the right to have an abortion
Sen. Baldwin delivered direct support in the annual funding package to projects expanding access to affordable childcare across Wisconsin, especially in rural areas with childcare deserts.
YOU CAN VOTE NOW IN WISCONSIN! 🗳️ Early voting, which is called in-person absentee voting, starts Oct.22 in Wisconsin! Why vote early? ✅ Avoid long lines and crowds ✅Avoid schedule conflicts on Election Day Speaking in Eau Claire on Sunday, Sen. Elizabeth Warren...
Les Danielson is a fourth-generation farmer in western Wisconsin. For him and others like him, who provide the vital role in the state's economy, the job is demanding. He appreciates that Democratic Sen. Tammy Baldwin led efforts to get mental health resources for...